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You Can Do It Too! or How I Got to Speak at Tech Conferences

In today’s fast-paced, technologically-driven world, speaking at a tech conference is not just a nice addition to your resume; it’s also a fantastic opportunity to spread your expertise, make connections, and build credibility. You’ve come to the correct site if you want to know how to get started as a speaker at tech conferences. In this detailed tutorial, I’ll share the path I traveled to get where I am now and the lessons. I learned along the way so that you may do the same. Let’s take the plunge into the exciting world of technology conferences, and I’ll show you the ropes.

My Road to the Spotlight

Let me tell you about how I got here before we go into the nitty-gritty of how to present at a tech conference. My interest in public speaking began, like that of many other aspiring speakers, with a desire to talk about technology. Here’s how I managed to pull it off.

Hone Your Skills

Becoming an authority in your profession is the first step toward speaking at tech conferences. Participate in training events, get credentialed, and increase your skill set. Knowing your material well and out will give you the self-assurance you need to succeed on stage.

Create Your Own Name Recognition

Establishing a name for yourself depends on your unique brand. Build up your internet profile by means of a blog, social media, and business networking sites like LinkedIn. Showcase your knowledge, interact with your audience, and promote your enthusiasm for technology.

Attending Technical Conferences

Start by going to tech conventions in your region or field. This will give you a chance to meet other attendees, get a sense of the event’s flow, and make connections with people who might serve as mentors or fellow speakers. Keep track of your successes and failures.

Put in Your Bids

Speakers are an integral part of every successful technology conference. Get your feet wet by submitting to smaller, more specialized conferences first. Describe your background and what makes you stand out as an expert in your field. Have a plan ready that describes your presentation, why it will be useful, and what the audience may expect to learn.

Practice Your Presentation Skills

Speaking in front of an audience is a talent that may be developed with experience. Participating in a public speaking group, such as Toastmasters, may help you gain self-assurance, hone your delivery, and receive useful criticism. Learn how to captivate an audience by attending classes on presenting skills and storytelling.

Networking Is Crucial

Making connections is essential if you want to speak at tech conferences. Make contact with the event’s planners, other presenters, and attendees. Take the time to talk to others, share your thoughts, and form new bonds. Future speaking engagements may result from these relationships.

Think Big, But Start Small

If you have to start with more modest speaking engagements, don’t let that deter you. You may improve your speaking skills, add to your resume, and network through these engagements. You might strive for bigger conferences as your reputation and self-assurance grow.

Accept Critiques

In order to grow, feedback is essential. Always ask for comments after giving a speech from both the audience and the organizers. You may use this criticism to improve your public speaking skills.

Create a Profile on Social Media

Your internet profile is essential in this modern era of constant connectivity. Keep a regularly updated blog in which you discuss what you learned at conferences and your thoughts on emerging technologies. Showing off your knowledge in this way can impress conference organizers who are seeking for speakers.

Keep on Studying

As a conference speaker in the IT business, it is your responsibility to keep abreast of the newest developments in the field. To keep learning and growing, enroll in seminars, webinars, and classes.

The Rewards of Perseverance

It takes time and effort to build up to speaking at tech conferences. It calls for hard work, perseverance, and a real interest in technology. Don’t let failure discourage you; instead, use it as feedback on how to hone your approach.

Do Unto Others

It’s important to give back to the community as you build your reputation as a tech conference speaker. Mentor up-and-coming public speakers by imparting your wisdom and pointing them in the direction of success.

Pros of Giving Presentations at Tech Conventions

There are many business and personal benefits to being a tech conference speaker. Let’s have a look at some of the major advantages:

Greater Exposure

Giving presentations at tech conferences is a great way to get your name out there. If you establish yourself as an industry leader, doors will open for you professionally and collaboratively.

Access to a Wider Network

The networking possibilities at a tech convention are second to none. You may network with other experts, potential customers, and influential people in your field, all of whom can introduce you to new and interesting opportunities.

Three. Acquiring Abilities

Conferencing aside, the ability to speak in front of an audience is always useful. It may help you become a more persuasive speaker, influential leader, and persuasive advocate, all of which will serve you well in your professional life.

Transferring Information

Teaching people what you’ve learned may be quite satisfying. You may make an impact on the development of the sector and aid the progress of others.

Development of Oneself

Speaking at a technology conference may help you develop as a person and boost your confidence since it requires you to step outside of your comfort zone. Conquering your fear of public speaking may change your life forever.


You may earn money from speaking events in several ways: through speaker fees, book agreements, and consultancy gigs as your name increases.


When you talk to an audience, you have the ability to move and motivate them. Your input and knowledge may help steer the discourse and propel change in your field

How Tech Conferences Actually Work

Aspiring speakers need to be familiar with the format and logistics of tech conferences. Let’s investigate how these functions really operate, up close and personal.

Organizing a Function

Planners put in a lot of time and effort into setting up tech conferences. They decide on topics, find speakers, book locations, and schedule events. Knowing when conferences are being planned will help you submit a proposal that will be accepted.

Invite for Bids

In order to solicit presentation ideas, the majority of tech conferences publish a “Call for Proposals” (CFP). The call for papers (CFP) outlines the desired presentation topics and speaker qualifications.

Choosing the Presenter

After receiving submissions, event planners evaluate them for relevancy, knowledge, and presentation quality before deciding on a final roster of speakers. You may stand out from the other candidates by proving your dedication and preparation.

Preparing a Presentation

Speakers usually collaborate extensively with the event organizers to perfect their talks after being chosen. This might entail doing things like fine-tuning the content, arranging the logistics, and checking that the technical requirements are covered.

Performing on Stage

The conference day is your big moment. Show there on time, exude self-assurance, and interact with the crowd. Be confident in front of an audience by making direct eye contact and speaking with passion.

Interaction Following the Conference

When you leave the stage at a conference, it isn’t the end of your engagement. Interact with guests on social media, respond to their inquiries, and carry the discussion further. This might strengthen people’s view of you as an industry expert.

The Pros and Cons of Giving Presentations at Tech Events

It’s important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of speaking at tech conferences before making the decision to pursue it.


Speaking at a technology conference has several benefits, the most important of which is increased visibility to potential employers, partners, and customers.

Second, you may meet a lot of interesting people and learn from the best in your field by attending a tech conference.

Developing your abilities: public speaking is a talent that may help you get forward in your job.

and maturing as a person. It has the potential to make you a stronger leader, better communicator, and more confident individual.

Knowledge sharing with a wide audience is rewarding for many reasons, including: 4. It’s a great way to make a difference in your field and assist the professional development of others.

Fifth, you may make money from speaking engagements by charging for your time, accepting sponsorships, or offering your services as a consultant when your profile as a speaker rises.


Making an effect in your field, growing your professional network, and advancing your career are all possible outcomes of being a regular speaker at tech conferences. Although it will take time and work on your part, the rewards will be well worth it. Therefore, you should begin by perfecting your expertise, expanding your internet presence, and participating in conferences. You may join the ranks of those who inspire, educate, and change the future of technology by speaking at tech conferences if you keep at it and bring a fresh viewpoint to the table.



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